Greek Alumni Reunion 2022

  • Two men at greek reunion talking outside.
  • People in food line at greek reunion.
  • Group image at reunion.
  • Two people holding their drinks and smiling.
  • Crowd shot outside the MacQueen Center.
  • Crowd shot outside the MacQueen Center.
  • People talking at reunion.
  • People in food line at greek reunion.
  • People talking at the outdoor patio at the MacQueen Center.
  • People sitting at the outdoor patio at the MacQueen Center.
  • Man playing guitar and singing.
  • Two men at greek reunion talking.
  • People in food line at greek reunion.
  • Two ladies at greek reunion talking.
  • A couple sitting together on couch at Greek reunion.
  • Crowd talking at greek reunion.
  • People in food line at greek reunion.
  • Registration table at Greek reunion.
  • Woman in mask and greek hat.
  • Two men at greek reunion talking.
  • People talking at the outdoor patio at the MacQueen Center.
  • Doors leading into MacQueen Center open showing people inside.
  • Woman waving.
  • Two ladies in their Greek Attire at reunion.