Wall of Honor 2023

  • Geri Moulton and three men in front of Moulton Tower.
  • Lady in red shirt talking to group.
  • Three people pointing to the Wall of Honor.
  • Three people in front of Moulton Tower.
  • Margaret Sullivan speaking in front of Moulton Tower.
  • Military holding flags at ceremony.
  • Dr. Andi Kent and Southerner holding up J sign on stage.
  • Man in hat holding up J sign in front of Wall of Honor.
  • Woman taking a selfie in front of the Wall of Honor.
  • Woman pointing up to Wall of Honor.
  • Man holding out arm in front of Wall of Honor.
  • Two women in jaguar print shirts in front of Wall of Honor.
  • Couple in front of Wall of Honor.
  • Two people holding hands over heart.
  • Margaret Sullivan clapping on stage.
  • Margaret Sullivan smiling and clapping at podium.
  • Dr. Andi Kent at podium speaking.
  • Kim Lawkis speaking at podium.
  • Dr. Andi Kent at podium speaking.
  • Margaret Sullivan speaking at podium.
  • President of Southerners speaking at podium.
  • Military members walking carrying flags.
  • Patty smiling at Wall of Honor event.
  • Woman in floral dress speaking to Dr. Andi Kent.
  • Southerners speaking tp people attending Wall of Honor event.
  • Man in South baseball cap smiling.
  • Family with three kids at event sitting at table.
  • Group shot showing the Moulton Tower.
  • Woman standing behind table smiling speaking to people sitting at table.
  • Woman smiling holding phone in front of Wall of Honor.
  • Group in front of Moulton Tower.
  • Man in sunglasses and Jag hat smiling.
  • Couple standing in front of Wall of Honor.
  • Three people talking at event.
  • Woman smiling in floral dress talking to two people.
  • Couple posing for picture.
  • Woman laughing talking to two people at event.